Triangle Pose: The Tricks To Practice Trikonasana

A fundamental standing pose that helps to strengthen and stretch the hamstrings, thighs, and groin, Triangle Pose can be found in just about every yoga discipline that exists. It's ideal for opening the shoulders and broadening the hips. The pose is also great for beginners because it is simple to execute.
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How to Do Triangle Pose
While there are a variety of ways in which to enter the pose, one of the more common ways is through Warrior II as it already places your feet in the proper position for Triangle. All you need to do is straighten the right leg as you begin. Don't worry about adjusting your stance as you make the transition from Warrior II to Triangle.
- Engage the thigh muscles of the right leg as you bring the femur into the socket.
- Extend the right hand out ahead of you while holding the right hip tucked firmly.
- Now bring the right hand down to the shin or ankle. Feel free to lower it all the way to the floor at the inside of the right foot. Do not overexert yourself. Come down only as far as you are able.
- Bring the left shoulder over the right as you open the chest and point the fingertips of your left hand to the sky while holding the left shoulder firmly rooted in the socket.
- Turn your head towards your fingertips at the sky. But like your right hand, don't push your body into a position that is uncomfortable. If you can not turn your head that far around, hold it in a position that is more comfortable for the neck.
- Keep the thigh muscles of the right leg drawn up as you deepen the crease in the right hip.
- Execute a microbend in the right knee so as to avoid hyperextending it.
- Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths.
- Come out of the pose and repeat the cycle with the left leg placed forward.
What to Avoid When Practicing Triangle Pose
Every pose has them - those little mistakes we make, often unwittingly. But they only serve to make the pose less effective and even increase the potential for injury. Triangle Pose is no different. Here are the common errors that many yogis commit while executing this pose.
Don't Bend the Knee
In order to get your hand closer to the floor you may find yourself bending your forward knee. Instead of bending your knee, reach your hand as far down as it will go even if it doesn't touch the floor. It's perfectly acceptable to touch the shin or the ankle, and you can also use a block if necessary. But refrain from placing it on the knee itself as that could put undue pressure on the joint and cause injury.
Heel Alignment
In order to execute the pose in the proper position, you must be sure that the heel of your forward leg is aligned with the arch of the opposite leg. So if your right leg is forward, check that your right heel is properly lined up with the arch on your left foot.
Press Through
To achieve a press-rebound effect and make the upper part of the body feel lighter, be sure to press down securely through both feet.
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Reasons to Do Triangle Pose
There are many benefits to executing this simple and essential standing pose. Consider the following reasons why Triangle should be part of your routine.
Improved Stability
The pose works your core which can help to increase your balance and overall stability.
Stimulates the Abdominal Organs
As you work your core, the organs also become engaged which is good for digestion and increasing your metabolism.
Reduces Anxiety
We carry a lot of our stress at the lower back and the pose helps to release tension in that region of the body.
Stretches the Spine
As the pose targets the back, you can also decrease stiffness and improve your flexibility through lengthening the spinal column. Pregnant women may also find relief from backache when executing Triangle Pose.
Broadens the Hips and Shoulders
Widening these regions of the body can improve mobility and lower the risk of injury.
Relieves Symptoms from Health Conditions
The pose relieves stress while bringing therapeutic relief for a variety of health conditions like osteoporosis and sciatica and flat feet.
Variations on the Pose
Sometimes a simple pose is a little too simple for some students. For those who like more of a challenge, bring your lower arm up so it remains parallel with the floor. Don't rest it on the leg or a block. Hold that position for 5-10 breaths. This will engage your core even more than usual.
Final Thoughts
Triangle Pose is an essential part of yoga. But use caution when you are executing the pose if you are experiencing low blood pressure or headaches. Be careful not to turn your head up in the latter part of the pose, rest it in a neutral position instead. The same goes for anyone who has suffered a neck injury. The pose will be better for you if you keep your head straight instead. As with all yoga poses,only do what feels comfortable and if at any time you are feeling pain or discomfort, stop what you are doing at once. Keep that in mind at all times and you will have a successful practice.
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